[Effect of chamomile on wound healing–a clinical double-blind study].

Glowania HJ, Raulin C, Swoboda M
Zeitschrift für Hautkrankheiten, 1987


In a double-blind trial, the therapeutic efficacy of chamomile extract was tested on 14 patients. As objective parameters served the epithelial and drying effect on weeping wound area after dermabrasion of tattoos. The period of the healing and drying process was judged by the doctor. The decrease of the weeping wound area as well as the drying tendency was statistically significant.


Glowania HJ, Raulin C, Swoboda M. [Effect of chamomile on wound healing–a clinical double-blind study]. Z Hautkr. 1987;62(17):1262, 1267-1271.

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