Komiya M, Sugiyama A, Tanabe K, Uchino T, Takeuchi T American Journal Veterinary Research, 2009 ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of topical application of undiluted lavender oil on sympathovagal activity in dogs. ANIMALS: 5 healthy adult male Beagles. PROCEDURES: An ambulatory ECG monitor (Holter recorder) was placed on each dog (day0), and 48-hour ECGs… Read more »

This system is comprised of the heart and vessels of the body as related to delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues. Common conditions related to this system include arteriosclerosis, arthrosclerosis, coronary artery (heart) disease, heart failure, hypertension, shock, strokes and arrhythmias.
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Anti-inflammatory activity of methyl salicylate glycosides isolated from Gaultheria yunnanensis (Franch.) Rehder
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Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of Satureja hortensis L. extracts and essential oil
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Relation between chemical composition or antioxidant activity and antihypertensive activity for six essential oils
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