Lee SC, Wang SY, Li CC, Liu CT Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 2018 ABSTRACT: Cinnamomum osmophloeum Kanehira is a Taiwan native plant that belongs to genus Cinnamomum and is also known as pseudocinnamomum or indigenous cinnamon. Its leaf is traditionally used by local people in cooking and as folk therapy. We previously demonstrated… Read more »

This system is comprised of the heart and vessels of the body as related to delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues. Common conditions related to this system include arteriosclerosis, arthrosclerosis, coronary artery (heart) disease, heart failure, hypertension, shock, strokes and arrhythmias.
Does the Fragrance of Essential Oils Alleviate the Fatigue Induced by Exercise? A Biochemical Indicator Test in Rats
Li Z, Wu F, Shao H, Zhang Y, Fan A, Li F Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2017 OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of the essential oils of Citrus sinensis L., Mentha piperita L., Syzygium aromaticum L., and Rosmarinus officinalis L. on physical exhaustion in rats. METHODS: Forty-eight male Wistar rats were randomly divided into a control group, a fatigue group, an essential oil mixture… Read more »
Effects of Frankincense and Myrrh essential oil on transdermal absorption in vitro of Chuanxiong and penetration mechanism of skin blood flow (Only Available in Chinese)
Zhu XF, Luo J, Guan YM, Yu YT, Jin C, Zhu WF, Liu HN Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi, 2017 ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper was to explore the effects of Frankincense and Myrrh essential oil on transdermal absorption in vitro of Chuanxiong, and to investigate the possible penetration mechanism of their essential oil from the perspective of skin… Read more »
Cardiovascular Activity of the Chemical Constituents of Essential Oils
de Andrade TU, Brasil GA, Endringer DC, da Nóbrega FR, de Sousa DP Molecules, 2017 ABSTRACT: Cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of death in developed and developing countries and decrease the quality of life, which has enormous social and economic consequences for the population. Recent studies on essential oils have attracted attention and encouraged continued research… Read more »
(-)-Linalool influence on the cerebral blood flow in healthy male volunteers revealed by three-dimensional pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling
Ota M, Sato N, Sone D, Ogura J, Kunugi H Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2017 BACKGROUND: Although aromatherapy is widely used, the pharmacology of the essential oils remains undiscovered. AIM: The present study assessed the effect of (-)-linalool, the main contained material of lavender, on the brain function. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Healthy male volunteers calculated… Read more »
Biased activity of soluble guanylyl cyclase: the Janus face of thymoquinone
Detremmerie C, Vanhoutte PM, Leung S Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica. B, 2017 ABSTRACT: The natural compound thymoquinone, extracted from Nigella sativa (black cumin), is widely used in humans for its anti-oxidative properties. Thymoquinone is known for its acute endothelium-independent vasodilator effects in isolated rat aortae and pulmonary arteries, depending in part on activation of adenosine triphosphate-sensitive potassium channels and inhibition… Read more »
Evaluation of the Health Benefits of a Multivitamin, Multimineral, Herbal, Essential Oil-Infused Supplement: A Pilot Trial
Han X, Eggett DL, Parker TL Journal of Dietary Supplements, 2017 ABSTRACT: This study was designed to quantitatively evaluate the health benefits of a multivitamin, multimineral, herbal, essential oil-infused supplement using serum biomarkers. We also qualitatively evaluated the health effects of this supplement using a survey. Sixteen participants were recruited to take the supplement as directed for two… Read more »
The effects of food essential oils on cardiovascular diseases: A review
Saljoughian S, Roohinejad S, Bekhit AEA, Greiner R, Omidizadeh A, Nikmaram N, Mousavi Khaneghah A Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition ABSTRACT: Essential oils (EO) are complex secondary metabolites, which are produced by aromatic plants and identified by their powerful odors. Present studies on EO and their isolated ingredients have drawn the attention of researchers to screen these natural products and… Read more »
Effects of Carvacrol on Survival, Mesenteric Blood Flow, Aortic Function and Multiple Organ Injury in a Murine Model of Polymicrobial Sepsis
Ozer EK, Goktas MT, Toker A, Bariskaner H, Ugurluoglu C, Iskit AB Inflammation, 2017 ABSTRACT: Carvacrol (CRV) has strong cytoprotective, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. We aimed to demonstrate the possible protective effects of CRV on survival, mesenteric artery blood flow (MBF), vascular reactivity, and oxidative and inflammatory injuries in a murine model of polymicrobial sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture… Read more »
Aromatherapy and Essential Oils (PDQ®): Health Professional Version
PDQ Integrative, Alternative, and Complementary Therapies Editorial Board PDQ Cancer Information Summaries, 2017 EXCERPT: This PDQ cancer information summary for health professionals provides comprehensive, peer-reviewed, evidence-based information about the use of aromatherapy and essential oils in the treatment of people with cancer. It is intended as a resource to inform and assist clinicians who care for cancer… Read more »