Vasconcelos CML, Oliveira ISN, Santos JNA, Souza AA, Menezes-Filho JER, Silva Neto JA, Lima TC, de Sousa DP Natural Product Research, 2017 ABSTRACT: The aim of this work was to evaluate the pharmacological effect of seven structurally related terpenes on the contractility of cardiac muscle. The effect of terpenes was studied on isolated electrically driven guinea pig left atrium. From concentration-response curves… Read more »

This system is comprised of the heart and vessels of the body as related to delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues. Common conditions related to this system include arteriosclerosis, arthrosclerosis, coronary artery (heart) disease, heart failure, hypertension, shock, strokes and arrhythmias.
Aroma oil therapy in palliative care: a pilot study with physiological parameters in conscious as well as unconscious patients
Goepfert M, Liebl P, Herth N, Ciarlo G, Buentzel J, Huebner J Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 2017 ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE: The aim of this pilot study is to analyze the reactions of healthy test persons and conscious as well as unconscious palliative patients to aroma stimuli. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In a randomized controlled study,… Read more »
Antitumor phenylpropanoids found in essential oils
Carvalho AA, Andrade LN, de Sousa ÉB, de Sousa DP Biomed Research International, 2015 ABSTRACT: The search for new bioactive substances with anticancer activity and the understanding of their mechanisms of action are high-priorities in the research effort toward more effective treatments for cancer. The phenylpropanoids are natural products found in many aromatic and medicinal… Read more »
Thymol reduces oxidative stress, aortic intimal thickening, and inflammation-related gene expression in hyperlipidemic rabbits
Yua YM, Chaob TY, Changb WC, Changb MJ, Leea MF Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 2016 ABSTRACT: Atherosclerosis plays a key role in the development of cardiovascular diseases, and is often associated with oxidative stress and local inflammation. Thymol, a major polyphenolic compound in thyme, exhibits antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In this study, we… Read more »
1, 8-Cineol Protect Against Influenza-Virus-Induced Pneumonia in Mice
Li Y, Lai Y, Wang Y, Liu N, Zhang F, Xu P Inflammation, 2016 ABSTRACT: 1,8-Cineol is a major monoterpene principally from eucalyptus essential oils and has been shown to exert anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and inhibitory of nuclear factor (NF)-kB effect. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of 1,8-cineol on mice infected with influenza… Read more »
Embryo and fetal toxicity of Mentha x villosa essential oil in Wistar rats
da Silva Bezerra Guerra KS, Silva RL, Souza Maia MB, Schwarz A Pharmaceutical biology, 2012 ABSTRACT: CONTEXT: Mentha x villosa Hudson (Lamiaceae) is an aromatic herb employed as a food spice. In folk medicine, it leaves are used as a tranquilizer and anti-hypertensive, even by pregnant women. OBJECTIVE: There are no reports about its effects… Read more »
Structural relationships and vasorelaxant activity of monoterpenes
Lima TC, Mota MM, Barbosa-Filho JM, Viana Dos Santos MR, De Sousa DP Daru, 2012 ABSTRACT: Background and purpose of the study The hypotensive activity of the essential oil of Mentha x villosa and its main constituent, the monoterpene rotundifolone, have been reported. Therefore, our objective was to evaluate the vasorelaxant effect of monoterpenes found… Read more »
Linalyl acetate as a major ingredient of lavender essential oil relaxes the rabbit vascular smooth muscle through dephosphorylation of myosin light chain
Koto R, Imamura M, Watanabe C, Obayashi S, Shiraishi M, Sasaki Y, Azuma H Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology, 2006 ABSTRACT: In a preliminary experiment, we found that lavender essential oil relaxes vascular smooth muscle. Thus, the present experiments were designed to investigate the relaxation mechanism of linalyl acetate as the major ingredient of lavender essential… Read more »
The effects of Melissa officinalis (lemon balm) pretreatment on the resistance of the heart to myocardial injury
Joukar S, Asadipour H, Sheibani M, Najafipour H, Dabiri S Pharmaceutical biology, 2016 ABSTRACT: CONTEXT: The antihyperlipidemic, antiarrhythmic, neuroprotective and hepatoprotective effects of Melissa officinalis L. (Lamiaceae) have been reported. However, no study has examined its effects on the resistance of the heart to stressful conditions. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to evaluate… Read more »
Unraveling the rat blood genome-wide transcriptome after oral administration of lavender oil by a two-color dye-swap DNA microarray approach
Hori M, Kubo H, Shibato J, Saito T, Ogawa T, Wakamori M, Masuo Y, Shioda S, Rakwal R Genomics data, 2016 ABSTRACT: Lavender oil (LO) is a commonly used essential oil in aromatherapy as non-traditional medicine. With an aim to demonstrate LO effects on the body, we have recently established an animal model investigating the… Read more »