Zhang QH, Schnidmiller RG, Hoover DR Pest Management Science, 2013 ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The study objectives were: (1) to field test potential repellency of common essential oils against several pestiferous social wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), using attractant-baited traps; (2) to identify vespid antennally active compounds from the repellent essential oils; (3) to determine potential repellency of these… Read more »

Clove Essential Oil
- Botanical Name: Eugenia caryophyllata
- Alternative Names: Clove bud
- Botanical Family: Myrtaceae
- Primary Constituent: Eugenol
- Other Main Constituents: Caryophyllene, Eugenol acetate
- Distillation Method: Steam Distillation
- Plant Part: Bud
The Effects of Herbal Essential Oils on the Oviposition-deterrent and Ovicidal Activities of Aedes aegypti (Linn.), Anopheles dirus (Peyton and Harrison) and Culex quinquefasciatus (Say)
Siriporn P, Mayura S
Tropical Biomedicine, 2012
Acaricidal activity of eugenol based compounds against scabies mites
Pasay C, Mounsey K, Stevenson G, Davis R, Arlian L, Morgan M, Vyszenski-Moher D, Andrews K, McCarthy J
PLoS One, 2010
Antibacterial and antifungal properties of essential oils
Kalemba D, Kunicka A
Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2003
Clove and eugenol in noncytotoxic concentrations exert immunomodulatory/anti-inflammatory action on cytokine production by murine macrophages
Bachiega TF, de Sousa JP, Bastos JK, Sforcin JM
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2012
Antiproliferative and molecular mechanism of eugenol-induced apoptosis in cancer cells
Jaganathan SK, Supriyanto E
Molecule, 2012
Biological control of spoilage and pathogens moulds in culture medium and Beninese traditional cheese wagashi by Syzygium aromaticum essential oil
Sessou P, Farougou S, Yèhouénou B, Agniwo, Alitonou G, Axokpota P, Youssao I, Sohounhloue D
African Journal of Microbiology Research, 2013
A novel aromatic oil compound inhibits microbial overgrowth on feet: a case study
Misner BD
Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 2007