Mekonnen A, Tesfaye S, Christos SG, Dires K, Zenebe T, Zegeye N, Shiferaw Y, Lulekal E Journal of Toxicology, 2019 ABSTRACT: Lavandula angustifolia is used in traditional and folk medicines of Ankober District, North Central Ethiopia, for the treatment of several livestock and human disorders. This toxicity study aimed to investigate L. angustifolia essential oil… Read more »

This system includes the skin, hair, sweat glands, and nails. It protects the body against loss of water, abrasion and infection. Common disorders include skin cancer, warts, acne, burns, eczema, vitiligo, and psoriasis.
Efficacy of bergamot: From anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative mechanisms to clinical applications as preventive agent for cardiovascular morbidity, skin diseases, and mood alterations
Perna S, Spadaccini D, Botteri L, Girometta C, Riva A, Allegrini P, Petrangolini G, Infantino V, Rondanelli M Food Science & Nutrition, 2019 ABSTRACT: We summarize the effects of bergamot (extract, juice, essential oil, and polyphenolic fraction) on cardiovascular, bone, inflammatory, skin diseases, mood alteration, anxiety, pain, and stress. This review included a total of… Read more »
Accelerated infected wound healing by topical application of encapsulated Rosemary essential oil into nanostructured lipid carriers
Khezri K, Farahpour MR, Mounesi rad S Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology, 2019 ABSTRACT: The pathogenic bacteria delay wound healing due to their interaction in the wound area. This study is aimed to evaluate the efficiency of topical rosemary essential oil (REO) loaded into the nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) on in vitro antibacterial activity and… Read more »
Carrier oils in dermatology
Orchard A, Van vuuren SF Archives of Dermatological Research, 2019 ABSTRACT: Wounds are a common medical infliction. With the increase in microbial resistance and a shift of interest towards complementary medicines, essential oils have been shown to be beneficial in suppressing microbial growth. However, in practice, essential oils are more often diluted into a base… Read more »
Frankincense essential oil suppresses melanoma cancer through down regulation of Bcl-2/Bax cascade signaling and ameliorates heptotoxicity via phase I and II drug metabolizing enzymes
Hakkim FL, Bakshi HA, Khan S, Nasef M, Farzand R, Sam S, Rashan L, Al-Baloshi MS, Abdo Hasson SSA, Jabri AA, McCarron PA, Tambuwala MM Oncotarget, 2019 ABSTRACT: Melanoma is a deadly form of malignancy and according to the World Health Organization 132,000 new cases of melanoma are diagnosed worldwide each year. Surgical resection and… Read more »
Essential Oils for the Treatment of Herpes Simplex Virus Infections
Schnitzler P Chemotherapy, 2019 ABSTRACT: Infections with herpes simplex virus type (HSV)-1 and HSV-2 are distributed worldwide. Although standard therapies with acyclovir and other synthetic drugs are available, the safety and efficacy of these drugs are limited due to the development of drug resistance and adverse side effects. The literature on essential oils and isolated… Read more »
Anti-Oxidant and Anti-Melanogenic Properties of Essential Oil from Peel of Pomelo cv. Guan Xi
He W, Li X, Peng Y, He X, Pan S Molecules, 2019 ABSTRACT: Here, we investigated the anti-oxidant and anti-melanogenic effects of pomelo peel essential oil (PPEO) from pomelo cv. Guan Xi. The volatile chemical composition of PPEO was analyzed with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The most abundant component of PPEO was limonene (55.92%), followed… Read more »
Expression of P53, BAX, and BCL-2 in human malignant melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma cells after tea tree oil treatment in vitro
Ramadan MA, Shawkey AE, Rabeh MA, Abdellatif AO Cytotechnology, 2019 ABSTRACT: Tea tree oil (TTO) is an essential oil obtained by steam distillation from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia (Myrtaceae). This oil has traditionally been used for the treatment of various skin infections. The present study aimed to investigate the cytotoxic effects of TTO against… Read more »
Camphor white oil induces tumor regression through cytotoxic T cell-dependent mechanisms
Moayedi Y, Greenberg SA, Jenkins BA, Marshall KL, Dimitrov LV, Nelson AM, Owens DM, Lumpkin EA Molecular Carcinogenesis, 2018 ABSTRACT: Bioactive derivatives from the camphor laurel tree, Cinnamomum camphora, are posited to exhibit chemopreventive properties but the efficacy and mechanism of these natural products are not fully understood. We tested an essential-oil derivative, camphor white… Read more »
Induction of apoptosis by essential oil from P. missionis in skin epidermoid cancer cells
Pavithra PS, Mehta A, Verma RS Phytomedicine, 2018 ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The genus Pamburus (Rutaceae) comprises the only species, Pamburus missionis (Wight) Swingle. Pamburus missionis is traditionally used in the treatment of swellings, chronic rheumatism, paralysis and puerperal diseases. PURPOSE: The present study investigates the cancer chemotherapeutic potential of essential oil (EO) from P. missionis. METHODS:… Read more »