Kim JR, Haribalan P, Son BK, Ahn YJ
Journal of Economic Entomology, 2012

Wintergreen Essential Oil
- Botanical Name: Gaultheria procumbens
- Alternative Names: Teaberry, Boxberry
- Botanical Family: Ericaceae
- Primary Constituent: Methyl salicylate
- Distillation Method: Steam Distillation
- Plant Part: Leaf
SA and ROS are involved in methyl salicylate-induced programmed cell death in Arabidopsis thaliana
Yun LJ, Chen WL
Plant Cell Reports, 2011
Treatment of post-electroconvulsive therapy headache with topical methyl salicylate
Logan CJ, Stewart JT
Journal of ECT, 2012
Field evaluation of essential oils for reducing attraction by the Japanese beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)
Youssef NN, Oliver JB, Ranger CM, Reding ME, Moyseenko JJ, Klein MG, Pappas RS
Journal of Economic Entomology, 2009
Essential oils and their compositions as spatial repellents for pestiferous social wasps
Zhang QH, Schnidmiller RG, Hoover DR Pest Management Science, 2013 ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The study objectives were: (1) to field test potential repellency of common essential oils against several pestiferous social wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), using attractant-baited traps; (2) to identify vespid antennally active compounds from the repellent essential oils; (3) to determine potential repellency of these… Read more »