Role of Essential Oil of Mentha Spicata (Spearmint) in Addressing Reverse Hormonal and Folliculogenesis Disturbances in a Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in a Rat Model

Sadeghi Ataabadi M, Alaee S, Bagheri MJ, Bahmanpoor S
Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2017

Purpose: Given the antiandrogenic effects of spearmint, in this study we evaluated the effects of its essential oil on polycystic ovarian syndrome in a rat model.
Methods: Female rats were treated as follows: Control, normal rats which received 150 mg/kg spearmint oil or 300 mg/kg spearmint oil, or sesame oil; and PCOS-induced rats which received 150 mg/kg spearmint oil or 300 mg/kg spearmint oil, or sesame oil. Then the animals were killed and the levels of LH, FSH, testosterone and ovarian folliculogenesis were evaluated.
Results: Spearmint oil reduced body weight, testosterone level, ovarian cysts and atretic follicles and increased Graafian follicles in PCOS rats. Conclusion: Spearmint has treatment potential on PCOS through inhibition of testosterone and restoration of follicular development in ovarian tissue.

Sadeghi Ataabadi M, Alaee S, Bagheri MJ, et al. Role of Essential Oil of Mentha Spicata (Spearmint) in Addressing Reverse Hormonal and Folliculogenesis Disturbances in a Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in a Rat Model. Adv Pharm Bull. 2017 Dec;7(4):651-654.

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