Ju J, Xu X, Xie Y, Guo Y, Cheng Y, Qian H, Yao W Food Chemistry, 2017 ABSTRACT: This study evaluated the minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) and minimum lethal concentration (MLC) of cinnamon and clove essential oils against mold growth on green bean cake and finger citron crisp cake, and also examined the effects of these two essential… Read more »

This system includes the lymph nodes, white blood cells, lymphatic vessels, thymus gland, bone marrow, spleen and leukocytes. Common disorders include anything with bacterial, viral or fungal origins, leukemia, allergic reactions and autoimmune diseases like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.
The Genus Artemisia: a 2012-2017 Literature Review on Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial, Insecticidal and Antioxidant Activities of Essential Oils
Pandey AK, Singh P Medicines (Basel), 2017 ABSTRACT: Essential oils of aromatic and medicinal plants generally have a diverse range of activities because they possess several active constituents that work through several modes of action. The genus Artemisia includes the largest genus of family Asteraceae has several medicinal uses in human and plant diseases aliments. Extensive… Read more »
Biological Activities of Three Essential Oils of the Lamiaceae Family
Nieto G Medicines (Basel), 2017 ABSTRACT: Herbs and spices have been used since ancient times to improve the sensory characteristics of food, to act as preservatives and for their nutritional and healthy properties. Herbs and spices are generally recognized as safe (GRAS) and are excellent substitutes for chemical additives. Essential oils are mixtures of volatile compounds obtained,… Read more »
Suppressive effects of extract of cedar wood on heat-induced expression of cellular heat shock protein
Miyakoshi J, Matsubara E, Narita E, Koyama S, Shimizu Y, Kawai S Yakagu Zasshi, 2017 ABSTRACT: In recent years, highly antimicrobial properties of cedar heartwood essential oil against the wood-rotting fungi and pathogenic fungi have been reported in several papers. Antimicrobial properties against oral bacteria by hinokitiol contained in Thujopsis have been also extensively studied. The relation… Read more »
Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity of Essential Oils against Pathogens Responsible for Otitis Externa in Dogs and Cats
Ebani VV, Nardoni S, Bertelloni F, Najar B, Pistelli L, Mancianti F Medicines (Basel), 2017 ABSTRACT: Background: Essential oils (EOs) are recommended by some veterinarians to treat otitis externa in pets, but data about their efficacy in scientific literature are very scant. Methods:Nine commercial EOs, from roman chamomile (Anthemis nobilis L.), star anise (Illicium verum), lavender (Lavandula hybrida), litsea… Read more »
A Review of the Composition of the Essential Oils and Biological Activities of Angelica Species
Sowndhararajan K, Deepa P, Kim M, Park SJ, Kim S Scientia pharmaceutica, 2017 ASBTRACT: A number of Angelica species have been used in traditional systems of medicine to treat many ailments. Especially, essential oils (EOs) from the Angelica species have been used for the treatment of various health problems, including malaria, gynecological diseases, fever, anemia, and arthritis. EOs are complex mixtures… Read more »
Chemical Composition, Cytotoxic, Apoptotic and Antioxidant Activities of Main Commercial Essential Oils in Palestine: A Comparative Study
A Al-Tamimi M, Rastall B, M Abu-Reidah I Medicines (Basel), 2016 ABSTRACT: Background: Essential oils (EOs) are complex mixtures of several components gifted with a wide array of biological activities. The present research was designed to evaluate whether commercial essential oils could be effective by examining their in vitro antioxidant, cytotoxic, and apoptotic properties of nine commercially available EOs… Read more »
Essential Oils’ Chemical Characterization and Investigation of Some Biological Activities: A Critical Review
Dhifi W, Bellili S, Jazi S, Bahloul N, Mnif W Medicines (Basel), 2017 ABSTRACT: This review covers literature data summarizing, on one hand, the chemistry of essential oils and, on the other hand, their most important activities. Essential oils, which are complex mixtures of volatile compounds particularly abundant in aromatic plants, are mainly composed of terpenes biogenerated… Read more »
The effect of fennel essential oil in combination with antibiotics on Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from carriers
Kwiatkowski P, Mnichowska-Polanowska M, Pruss A, Masiuk H, Dzięcioł M, Giedrys-Kalemba S, Sienkiewicz M Burns, 2017 ABSTRACT: An increase in the number of staphylococcal infections and carriers among medical staff has forced us to seek more and more effective antibacterial agents. Bacteria from the Staphylococcus genus possessing different mechanisms of resistance are the cause of… Read more »
Synergistic effect of Carum copticum and Mentha piperita essential oils with ciprofloxacin, vancomycin, and gentamicin on Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria
Talei GR, Mohammadi M, Bahmani M, Kopaei MR International Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation, 2017 BACKGROUND: Infectious diseases have always been an important health issue in human communities. In the recent years, much research has been conducted on antimicrobial effects of nature-based compounds because of increased prevalence of antibiotic resistance. The present study was conducted to… Read more »