Bag A, Chattopadhyay RR Letters in Applied Microbiology ABSTRACT: The aim of the study was to evaluate possible antibacterial and antibiofilm efficacy of a bacteriocin, nisin with two essential oil components linalool and p-coumaric acid in combination against foodborne bacteria Bacillus cereus and Salmonella typhimurium. Their inhibition effects on planktonic cells and pre-formed biofilms were evaluated using… Read more »

This system includes the lymph nodes, white blood cells, lymphatic vessels, thymus gland, bone marrow, spleen and leukocytes. Common disorders include anything with bacterial, viral or fungal origins, leukemia, allergic reactions and autoimmune diseases like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.
Antimicrobial synergism and cytotoxic properties of Citrus limon L., Piper nigrum L. and Melaleuca alternifolia (Maiden and Betche) Cheel essential oils
Nikolić MM, Jovanović KK, Marković TL, Marković DL, Gligorijević NN, Radulović SS, Kostić M, Glamočlija JM, Soković MD Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2017 OBJECTIVES: The chemical composition, antimicrobial and synergistic effect, and cytotoxic activity of Citrus limon (lemon), Piper nigrum (green pepper) and Melaleuca alternifoila (tea tree) essential oils (EOs) were investigated. METHODS: Chemical analyses of essential oils were tested… Read more »
Deltamethrin induced oxidative stress in kidney and brain of rats: Protective effect of Artemisia campestris essential oil
Saoudi M, Badraoui R, Bouhajja H, Ncir M, Rahmouni F, Grati M, Jamoussi K, Feki AE Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy ABSTRACT: Artemisia campestris (Asteraceae) is widely used in traditional medicine in Southern Tunisia as a decoction for its antivenom, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, and antimicrobial activities. A. campestris essential oil (ACEO) was obtained by hydrodistillation from the aerial parts, since… Read more »
Human Adenocarcinoma Cell Line Sensitivity to Essential Oil Phytocomplexes from Pistacia Species: a Multivariate Approach
Buriani A, Fortinguerra S, Sorrenti V, Dall’Acqua S, Innocenti G, Montopoli M, Gabbia D, Carrara M Molecules, 2017 ABSTRACT: Principal component analysis (PCA) multivariate analysis was applied to study the cytotoxic activity of essential oils from various species of the Pistacia genus on human tumor cell lines. In particular, the cytotoxic activity of essential oils obtained from P…. Read more »
Functional Oil from Black Seed Differentially Inhibits Aldose-reductase and Ectonucleotidase Activities by Up-regulating Cellular Energy in Haloperidol-induced Hepatic Toxicity in Rat Liver
Kehinde AJ Journal of Oleo Science, 2017 ABSTRACT: In this study, the effect of rate-limiting enzymes involved in degradation of hepatic adenosine and intracellular sorbitol was investigated in rats exposed to haloperidol (HAL) and treated with functional oil (FO), containing principal active phytochemicals from black seed. Animals were divided into six groups (n=10): Distilled water,… Read more »
Assessment of Antioxidant and Antibacterial Properties on Meat Homogenates of Essential Oils Obtained from Four Thymus Species Achieved from Organic Growth
Ballester-Costa C, Sendra E, Fernández-López J, Pérez-Álvarez JA, Viuda-Martos M Foods, 2017 ABSTRACT: In the organic food industry, no chemical additives can be used to prevent microbial spoilage. As a consequence, the essential oils (EOs) obtained from organic aromatic herbs and spices are gaining interest for their potential as preservatives. The organic Thymus zygis, Thymus mastichina, Thymus capitatus and Thymus… Read more »
In vivo and in vitro control activity of plant essential oils against three strains of Aspergillus niger
Kumar P, Mishra S, Kumar A, Kumar S, Prasad CS Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 2017 ABSTRACT: Contamination of environment and food from the prevalent spores and mycotoxins of Aspergillus niger has led to several diseases in humans and other animals. The present study investigated the control activity of plant essential oils against three strains… Read more »
Terpinen-4-ol inhibits colorectal cancer growth via reactive oxygen species
Nakayama K, Murata S, Ito H, Iwasaki K, Villareal MO, Zheng YW, Matsui H, Isoda H, Ohkohchi N Oncology Letters, 2017 ABSTRACT: Terpinen-4-ol (TP4O) is the main component of the essential oil extracted from Melaleuca alternifolia, known as the tea tree, of the botanical family Myrtaceae. The anticancer effects of TP4O have been reported in several cancer cell… Read more »
Antibacterial activity and antibiotic modulating potential of the essential oil obtained from Eugenia jambolana in association with led lights
Pereira NLF, Aquino PEA, Júnior JGAS, Cristo JS, Vieira Filho MA, Moura FF, Ferreira NMN, Silva MKN, Nascimento EM, Correia FMA, Cunha FAB, Boligon AA, Coutinho HDM, Ribeiro-Filho J, Matias EFF, Guedes MIF Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2017 ABSTRACT: Bacterial resistance has risen as an important health problem with impact on the pharmaceutical industry because… Read more »
Effects of Aromatherapy Massage on Pregnant Women’s Stress and Immune Function: A Longitudinal, Prospective, Randomized Controlled Trial
Chen PJ, Chou CC, Yang L, Tsai YL, Chang YC, Liaw JJ Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2017 ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVES: This study’s aims are to examine the effects of aromatherapy massage on women’s stress and immune function during pregnancy. METHODS: This longitudinal, prospective, randomized controlled trial recruited 52 healthy pregnant women from a prenatal… Read more »