Ouedrhiri W, Balouiri M, Bouhdid S, Harki EH, Moja S, Greche Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, 2017 ABSTRACT: In this work, the chemical composition, the antioxidant, and the antibacterial activities of two Moroccan essential oils less studied, extracted from Pelargonium asperum and Ormenis mixta, were investigated. According to the gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry analysis, citronellol (25.07%), citronellyl… Read more »

This system includes the lymph nodes, white blood cells, lymphatic vessels, thymus gland, bone marrow, spleen and leukocytes. Common disorders include anything with bacterial, viral or fungal origins, leukemia, allergic reactions and autoimmune diseases like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.
Authentication of Piper betle L. folium and quantification of their antifungal-activity
Wirasuta IMAG, Srinadi IGAM, Dwidasmara IBG, Ardiyanti NLPP, Trisnadewi IGAA, Paramita NLPV Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, 2017 ABSTRACT: The TLC profiles of intra- and inter-day precision for Piper betle L. (PBL) folium methanol extract was studied for their peak marker recognition and identification. The Numerical chromatographic parameters (NCPs) of the peak markers, the hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA) and the… Read more »
Chemical composition, acute toxicity, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of Moroccan Tetraclinis articulata L
El Jemli M, Kamal R, Marmouzi I, Doukkali Z, Bouidida EH, Touati D, Nejjari R, El Guessabi L, Cherrah Y, Alaoui K Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, 2017 ABSTRACT: Hydro-distilled essential oil (EO) from the leaves of the western Mediterranean and Moroccan endemic plant Tetraclinis articulata was analyzed by GC/MS and examined for its acute toxicity on mice, in order to establish the safe doses. Furthermore, the… Read more »
Rhanterium epapposum Oliv. essential oil: Chemical composition and antimicrobial, insect-repellent and anticholinesterase activities
Demirci B, Yusufoglu HS, Tabanca N, Temel HE, Bernier UR, Agramonte NM, Alqasoumi SI, Al-Rehaily AJ, Başer KHC, Demirci F Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 2017 ABSTRACT: The essential oil (EO) of the aerial parts of Rhanterium epapposum Oliv. (Asteraceae), was obtained by hydrodistillation. The oil was subsequently analyzed by both GC-FID and GC-MS, simultaneously. Forty-five components representing 99.2% of the oil composition were identified. The most abundant compounds were… Read more »
Deodorizing Substance in Black Cumin (Nigella sativa L.) Seed Oil
Nakasugi T, Murakawa T, Shibuya K, Morimoto M Journal of Oleo Science, 2017 ABSTRACT: A deodorizing substance in black cumin (Nigella sativa L.), a spice for curry and vegetable foods in Southwest Asia, was examined. The essential oil prepared from the seeds of this plant exhibited strong deodorizing activity against methyl mercaptan, which is a main factor in oral malodor…. Read more »
Development of antimicrobial nanoemulsion-based delivery systems against selected pathogenic bacteria using a thymol rich Thymus daenensis essential oil
Ghaderi L, Moghimi R, Aliahmadi A, McClements DJ, Rafati H Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2017 ABSTRACT: AIMS: Thymol rich medicinal plants have been used in traditional medicine to relieve infectious diseases. However, the application of essential oils as medicine is limited by its low water-solubility and high vapor pressure. The objective of this study was to produce stable nanoemulsions of Thymus daenensis oil in… Read more »
Potential role of natural compounds as anti-angiogenic agents in cancer
Shanmugam MK, Warrier S, Kumar AP, Sethi G, Arfuso F Current Vascular Pharmacology, 2017 ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Neovascularization, also known as angiogenesis, is the process of capillary sprouting from pre-existing blood vessels. This physiological process is a hallmark event in normal embryonic development as blood vessels generally supply both oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the body. Any disruption… Read more »
Anti-inflammatory and antialgic actions of a nanoemulsion of Rosmarinus officinalis L. essential oil and a molecular docking study of its major chemical constituents
Borges RS, Lima ES, Keita H, Ferreira IM, Fernandes CP, Cruz RAS, Duarte JL, Velázquez-Moyado J, Ortiz BLS, Castro AN, Ferreira JV, da Silva Hage-Melim LI, Carvalho JCT Inflammopharmacology, 2017 ABSTRACT: We evaluate the anti-inflammatory and antialgic potency of a nanoemulsion (NEORO) containing the essential oil of Rosmarinus officinalis L. (EORO), which is composed primarily of limonene, camphor and 1,8-cineole. The EORO and NEORO were administered orally 30 min prior… Read more »
Effects of the essential oil of Alpinia zerumbet (Pers.) B.L. Burtt & R.M. Sm. on healing and tissue repair after partial Achilles tenotomy in rats
Santos-Júnior L, Oliveira TVC, Cândido JF, Santana DS, Pereira RN Filho, Pereyra BBS, Gomes MZ, Lima SO, Albuquerque-Júnior RLC, Cândido Brazilian Surgical Acts, 2017 ABSTRACT: PURPOSE: To investigate the cellular response to injury, analyzing histopathologic changes associated with increased cellularity, degeneration and disorganization of collagen fibers. METHODS: Thirty wistar rats were divided in two groups after partial Achilles tenotomy: the right hind paw were… Read more »
Inactivation of Norovirus by Lemongrass Essential Oil Using a Norovirus Surrogate System
Kim YW, You HJ, Lee S, Kim B, Kim DK, Choi JB, Kim JA, Lee HJ, Joo IS, Lee JS, Kang DH, Lee G, Ko GP, Lee SJ Journal of Food Protection, 2017 ABSTRACT: This study investigated the effect of lemongrass essential oil (LGEO) on the infectivity and viral replication of norovirus. Murine norovirus 1 (MNV-1), a surrogate of human norovirus, was preincubated with LGEO and then used to infect… Read more »