Sokolik CG, Ben-Shabat-Binyamini R, Gedanken A, Lellouche JP Ultrasonics & Sonochemistry, 2017 ABSTRACT: There is an urgent need for new materials with antimicrobial activity. Phenolic essential oil (EO) compounds with Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) status are attractive candidates, but they need suitable delivery systems to overcome specific drawbacks. Core-shell microspheres (MSs) of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA)… Read more »
Medicinally important aromatic plants with radioprotective activity.
Samarth RM, Samarth M, Matsumoto Y Future Science OA, 2017 ABSTRACT: Aromatic plants are often used as natural medicines because of their remedial and inherent pharmacological properties. Looking into natural resources, particularly products of plant origin, has become an exciting area of research in drug discovery and development. Aromatic plants are mainly exploited for essential oil extraction… Read more »
Lactoferrin, chitosan and Melaleuca alternifolia-natural products that show promise in candidiasis treatment
Felipe LO, Júnior WFDS, Araújo KC, Fabrino DL Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 2017 ABSTRACT: The evolution of microorganisms resistant to many medicines has become a major challenge for the scientific community around the world. Motivated by the gravity of such a situation, the World Health Organization released a report in 2014 with the aim of… Read more »
Behavior of detoxifying enzymes of Aedes aegypti exposed to girgensohnine alkaloid analog and Cymbopogon flexuosus essential oil
Carreño Otero AL, Palacio-Cortés AM, Navarro-Silva MA, Kouznetsov VV, Duque L JE Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Toxicology & pharmacology : CBP, 2017 ABSTRACT: Because mosquito control depend on the use of commercial insecticides and resistance has been described in some of them, there is a need to explore new molecules no resistant. In vivo effects… Read more »
In Vitro Evaluation of Essential Oils Derived from Piper nigrum (Piperaceae) and Citrus limonum (Rutaceae) against the Tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Acari: Ixodidae)
Vinturelle R, Mattos C, Meloni J, Nogueira J, Nunes MJ, Vaz IS Jr, Rocha L, Lione V, Castro HC, Chagas EFD Biochemistry Research International, 2017 ABSTRACT: The present research aimed to study the chemical composition and acaricidal activity of Citrus limonum and Piper nigrum essential oils against the cattle tick Rhipicephalus microplus. GC-MS analysis of C. limonumessential oil showed limonene (50.3%), β-pinene (14.4%), and γ-terpinene… Read more »
Chemical composition and evaluation of antinociceptive activity of the essential oil of Stevia serrata Cav. from Guatemala
Reis Simas DL, Mérida-Reyes MS, Muñoz-Wug MA, Cordeiro MS, Giorno TBS, Taracena EA, Oliva-Hernández BE, Martínez-Arévalo JV, Fernandes PD, Pérez-Sabino JF, Jorge Ribeiro da Silva A Natural Product Research, 2017 ABSTRACT: The composition and the antinociceptive activity of the essential oil of Stevia serrata Cav. from a population located in the west highlands of Guatemala were evaluated…. Read more »
Antimicrobial activities of gaseous essential oils against Listeria monocytogenes on a laboratory medium and radish sprouts
Lee G, Kim Y, Kim H, Beuchat LR, Ryu JH International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2017 ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activities of gaseous essential oils (EO gases) against Listeria monocytogenes on the surfaces of a laboratory medium and radish sprouts. We determined the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal lethal… Read more »
The Effect of Aromatherapy with the Essential Oil of Orange on Pain and Vital Signs of Patients with Fractured Limbs Admitted to the Emergency Ward: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Hekmatpou D, Pourandish Y, Farahani PV, Parvizrad R Indian Journal of Palliative Care, 2017 BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Pain is an emotional and unpleasant experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage. The literature shows no study on the effect of aromatherapy with the essential oil of orange on unpleasant feelings of patients with fractured limbs. In this… Read more »
Antibiofilm activity of nanoemulsions of Cymbopogon flexuosus against rapidly growing mycobacteria
Rossi GG, Guterres KB, Bonez PC, da Silva Gundel S, Aggertt VA, Siqueira FS, Ourique AF, Wagnerd R, Klein B, Santos RCV, de Campos MMA Microbial Pathogenesis, 2017 ABSTRACT: Rapidly growing mycobacteria (RGM) are opportunistic microorganisms that can cause both local and disseminated infections. When in biofilm, these pathogens become highly resistant to antimicrobials used… Read more »
Effects of geranium aroma on anxiety among patients with acute myocardial infarction: A triple-blind randomized clinical trial
Shirzadegan R, Gholami M, Hasanvand S, Birjandi M, Beiranvand A Complementary Therapy and Clinical Practice, 2017 OBJECTIVE: The is study examined the effects of geranium aroma on anxiety among patients with AMI. METHODS: This randomized, triple-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial recruited 80 patients with AMI through convenience sampling. The patients were allocated to geranium and placebo… Read more »