Lněničková K, Svobodová H, Skálová L, Ambrož M, Novák F, Matoušková P Xenobiotica, 2017 ABSTRACT: 1. Sesquiterpenes, constituents of plant essential oil, are popular bioactive compounds due to the positive effect on human health, but their potential toxicity and possible herb-drug interactions are often omitted. In our in vivo study, we followed up the effect of… Read more »
Genotoxicity of carbon tetrachloride and the protective role of essential oil of Salvia officinalis L. in mice using chromosomal aberration, micronuclei formation, and comet assay
Diab KA, Fahmy MA, Hassan ZM, Hassan EM, Salama AB, Omara EA Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017 ABSTRACT: The present work was conducted to evaluate the genotoxic effect of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) in mouse bone marrow and male germ cells. The safety and the modulating activity of sage (Salvia officinalis L.) essential oil (SEO) against the… Read more »
Antifungal activity of essential oils on two Venturia inaequalis strains with different sensitivities to tebuconazole
Muchembled J, Deweer C, Sahmer K, Halama P Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017 ABSTRACT: The antifungal activity of seven essential oils (eucalyptus, clove, mint, oregano, savory, tea tree, and thyme) was studied on Venturia inaequalis, the fungus responsible for apple scab. The composition of the essential oils was checked by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Each essential oil had its main compound…. Read more »
Fast-onset antidepressant potentials of essential oil of herbs (Chinese only)
Du JP, Liu YT, Wu YJ, Wu HH, Xu YT Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi, 2017 ABSTRACT: The existing antidepressants demonstrated delayed onset of clinical effects, so fast-onset antidepressants are required. Essential oil of herbs showed potentials fast-onset antidepressant potential. First, its aromatic odor can directly activate olfactory nerves; its high lipophilicity causes a high blood-brain barrier… Read more »
Phytochemical, antioxidant and antibacterial properties of Melissa officinalis and Dracocephalum moldavica essential oils
Ehsani A, Alizadeh O, Hashemi M, Afshari A, Aminzare M Veterinary Research Forum, 2017 ABSTRACT: Aromatic plants are rich in essential oils with considerable antimicrobial properties. The aim of this study was to investigate chemical composition, antimicrobial activity and antioxidant properties of Melissa officinalis and Deracocephalum moldavica essential oils (EOs). The identification of chemical constituents of the EOs was carried out using gas chromato-graphy-mass… Read more »
Menthol evokes Ca2+ signals and induces oxidative stress independently of the presence of TRPM8 (menthol) receptor in cancer cells.
Nazıroğlu M, Blum W, Jósvay K, Çiğ B, Henzi T, Oláh Z, Vizler C, Schwaller B, Pecze L Redox Biology, 2017 ABSTRACT: Menthol is a naturally occurring monoterpene alcohol possessing remarkable biological properties including antipruritic, analgesic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and cooling effects. Here, we examined the menthol-evoked Ca2+ signals in breast and prostate cancer cell lines. The… Read more »
Antifungal properties of essential oils for improvement of indoor air quality: a review
Whiley H, Gaskin S, Schroder T, Ross K Reviews on Environmental Health, 2017 ABSTRACT: Concerns regarding indoor air quality, particularly the presence of fungi and moulds, are increasing. The potential for essential oils to reduce, control or remove fungi, is gaining interest as they are seen as a “natural” alternative to synthetic chemical fungicides. This review examines published… Read more »
Control of canine idiopathic nasal hyperkeratosis with a natural skin restorative balm: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study
Catarino M, Combarros-Garcia D, Mimouni P, Pressanti C, Cadiergues MC Veterinary Dermatology, 2017 BACKGROUND: Nasal hyperkeratosis may cause discomfort in dogs by predisposing them to fissures and secondary bacterial infection. Approaches to treatment have been described anecdotally; the effectiveness of such therapies remains unproven. HYPOTHESIS/OBJECTIVES: To investigate the efficacy of a balm containing essential oils and essential fatty acids in… Read more »
Selective Essential Oils from Spice or Culinary Herbs Have High Activity against Stationary Phase and Biofilm Borrelia burgdorferi
Feng J, Zhang S, Shi W, Zubcevik N, Miklossy J, Zhang Y Frontiers in Medicine, 2017 ABSTRACT: Although the majority of patients with acute Lyme disease can be cured with the standard 2-4 week antibiotic treatment, about 10-20% of patients continue suffering from chronic symptoms described as posttreatment Lyme disease syndrome. While the cause for this… Read more »
iTRAQ Proteomic Analysis Reveals That Metabolic Pathways Involving Energy Metabolism Are Affected by Tea Tree Oil in Botrytis cinerea
Xu J, Shao X, Wei Y, Xu F, Wang H Frontiers in Microbiology, 2017 ABSTRACT: Tea tree oil (TTO) is a volatile essential oil obtained from the leaves of the Australian tree Melaleuca alternifolia by vapor distillation. Previously, we demonstrated that TTO has a strong inhibitory effect on Botrytis cinerea. This study investigates the underlying antifungal mechanisms at the molecular… Read more »