Hara M, Yamauchi N, Sumita Y Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. C, Journal of Biosciences ABSTRACT: Monoterpenes are common constituents of essential oils produced by plants. Although it has been reported that monoterpenes enhanced the heat tolerance of plants, the mechanism has not been elucidated. Here, we tested whether 13 monoterpenes promoted the heat shock response (HSR) in Arabidopsis…. Read more »
Suppressive effects of extract of cedar wood on heat-induced expression of cellular heat shock protein
Miyakoshi J, Matsubara E, Narita E, Koyama S, Shimizu Y, Kawai S Yakagu Zasshi, 2017 ABSTRACT: In recent years, highly antimicrobial properties of cedar heartwood essential oil against the wood-rotting fungi and pathogenic fungi have been reported in several papers. Antimicrobial properties against oral bacteria by hinokitiol contained in Thujopsis have been also extensively studied. The relation… Read more »